Guardianship of Incapacitated Adults Training
Virtual MA, United StatesThis training is not for those seeking legal help. If you are seeking legal help, please call our helpline. This training will focus on how to bring a Petition for the Guardianship of an Adult in the Probate Court. The training will address guardianship of incapacitated persons who are unable to make or communicate decisions […]
New Volunteer Orientation
Volunteer Lawyers Project 7 Winthrop Sq, Floor 2, Boston, MA, United StatesBecome a VLP volunteer! This orientation provides an introduction to working with the Volunteer Lawyers Project. Led by a VLP staff attorney and the Pro Bono Manager, this session provides an overview of what you need to know to begin your work with VLP. Attorneys, paralegals, students, and other folks in legal professions welcome! RSVP […]
Wage & Hour Virtual Training
Virtual MA, United StatesThis is not a training for those seeking legal help or for case-specific questions. If you are seeking legal assistance, please visit our Get Help page. This training is designed […]
Unemployment Virtual Training
Virtual MA, United StatesThis is not a training for those seeking legal help or for case-specific questions. If you are seeking legal assistance, please visit our Get Help page. This training is designed for pro bono attorneys who are seeking to represent clients seeking unemployment benefits. This training will cover the basics of unemployment law, including eligibility for […]
Consumer Debt Defense Training
Virtual MA, United StatesDo you want to represent low-income consumers in small claims court? This training is for you! Please join us for a training on how to effectively represent people being sued by debt buyers and original creditors. A large portion of the civil docket in Massachusetts is consumer debt collection cases and the need for attorney […]